Many people live with acne for years while trying to manage it alone, often without success. A dermatologist can treat resistant acne with a customized treatment plan. With the help our board certified doctors, you can finally see clear skin and stop feeling self-conscious about your breakouts. 

What is Acne?

Acne occurs when your hair follicles and oil (sebaceous) glands  become blocked with oil, dead skin cells, and other debris. This blockage can cause blackheads, whiteheads, and deeper, often painful cysts. Bacteria on your skin can live in these clogged follicles and create inflammation, especially if you pick or try to drain your blemishes. Acne has significant genetic and hormonal factors, but it can also flare in response to heavy or pore-clogging products or other irritants. 

3 Reasons You Should See a Dermatologist for Acne Treatment

If you have tried to manage your acne alone and continue to have breakouts, a dermatologist can offer new solutions. You should see a dermatologist about your acne if:

1.It Will Not Go Away

If you have tried everything available to treat your acne and still have frequent breakouts, or could not tolerate the over the counter treatments, you may need the help of a dermatologist. Acne that will not go away with at-home treatments may require prescription medication to resolve. 

2.It Leaves Marks or Scars

If your breakouts leave you with acne scars or dark spots, a dermatologist can help you control them before your skin becomes more permanently damaged. While a dermatologist can improve acne scarring and hyperpigmentation, you will benefit more from preventing them from happening. A dermatologist-designed plan will limit your breakouts and protect your skin from long term and even permanent damage. 

3.It Causes Pain or Embarrassment

If your acne has disrupted your social life or made you uncomfortable, consider seeing a dermatologist. Deep, painful cystic acne often requires the help of a dermatologist to treat, but with appropriate medical management, you can improve from mild to even the worst acne. 

How Do Dermatologists Treat Acne?

Before your visit, you can try over-the-counter treatments, including salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide as well as adapalene (Differin). These over-the-counter topic treatments will often clear up mild acne after 6-8 weeks of use. Make sure you use a moisturizer labeled oil free or non-comedogenic to combat dryness from these medications.

If this step does not resolve your concerns, your dermatologist may recommend prescription topical or oral medications or both. Prescription oral medications form the next level of treatment. Antibiotics and hormonal therapies can treat even difficult acne. Your dermatologist may prescribe oral retinoids (Accutane) for those who do not achieve clear skin with other methods. 

Acne Treatment Consultations Available

Are There Any Side Effects With Acne Treatment?

Your dermatologist will often start with treatments that have only minor side effects, such as dryness or minor skin irritation. If these do not work for you, prescription oral medications can be employed carefully and with counseling by our team.  Oral medications can have some side effects, but most are minor and reversible.

Am I a Good Candidate for Acne Treatment?

Anyone with hard-to-manage acne can benefit from treatment. A dermatologist custom-designs a treatment plan so you can achieve your clear skin goals.

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Take the Next Step

If you have further questions about acne treatment, we encourage you to schedule a consultation at Krauss Dermatology. Call us at (781) 416-3500 or fill out our online contact form. We look forward to taking care of you.