PRP, or protein-rich plasma, comes from your own blood and has powerful healing and rejuvenating properties. At Krauss Dermatology, we offer hair loss treatment using PRP to help you grow thicker, denser hair. You can enjoy renewed self-confidence as your hair starts to grow in looking full and healthy. 

Prp for Hair Loss Boston

What is PRP?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is extracted from your own blood. Plasma, the liquid part of blood, contains platelets, which help your body respond to injuries. It also contains other healing factors and signaling proteins. These include platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), which stimulates cell division, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VGEF), which supports circulation to the hair follicles to improve their productivity. By improving the health and vitality of the scalp and follicles, PRP can trigger dormant hair follicles to produce hair again. 

How Does PRP Treat Hair Loss?

After your PRP has been separated from your blood, your dermatologist injects it into areas of thinning or receding hair. Hair follicles that have gone dormant and stopped growing hairs will respond by shifting back into active hair growth. Other follicles respond by growing hairs that look thicker and fuller. 

How Effective is PRP for Hair Loss?

Research has demonstrated that PRP can stimulate hair growth from dormant follicles and make hair grow thicker. People treated with PRP grow more hairs, and these hairs are stronger and denser. As a result, areas of thinning hair look fuller and healthier. PRP works for both men and women and can benefit many different causes of hair loss or thinning.

PRP for Hair Loss Consultations Available

How Many Treatments do I Need for PRP?

We recommend a series of PRP treatments for maximum hair growth. First, you will receive one treatment monthly for three months. You will have another treatment after three months and then every six months to maintain the health of your hair and scalp. We also offer a comprehensive plan of supplements and other products to encourage and enhance your results. 

Is There Any Downtime With PRP for Hair Loss?

Your scalp may feel sore and sensitive for a few days after the injections. This will resolve by itself, and you can go back to your regular activities immediately after treatment. Avoid any harsh products on your scalp for several days. 

Am I a Good Candidate for PRP for Hair Loss?

Since PRP comes from your own blood, there is no risk of an allergic reaction. This makes PRP safe for almost everyone. People who are on blood thinners, are immunocompromised, are on steroids or other immune suppressing medications, or who have a low platelet count are not good candidates for PRP for hair loss as they are less likely to get improvement.  Some forms of hair loss such as scarring alopecia will not respond.  Meet with our board certified dermatologists to discuss if you are a candidate for this procedure and to discuss other interventions to help your condition.

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Take the Next Step

If you have further questions about PRP for hair loss, we encourage you to schedule a consultation at Krauss Dermatology. Call us at (781) 416-3500 or fill out our online contact form. We look forward to taking care of you.