Hair loss affects both men and women and can damage self-confidence. Platelet-rich plasma offers a way to harness your body’s healing powers to restore hair growth. This treatment rejuvenates the scalp and brings new nutrients and blood flow to hair follicles, stimulating growth. 

What is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) uses platelets purified from your own blood to trigger hair rejuvenation and increased density. PRP is injected into the scalp in thinning areas, where the platelets initiate a healing process that results in a healthier scalp and more active hair follicles, reversing the miniaturization of follicles that cause hair thinning and loss. PRP has a long history of safety and is used medically, particularly in orthopedics to speed the healing of joint and muscle injuries. 

How Does Platelet-Rich Plasma Work for Hair Restoration?

Your Krauss Dermatology provider will begin your treatment by taking a sample of your blood. Spinning this blood in a centrifuge separates it into layers using a proprietary system called Selphyl. PRP forms a layer that contains plasma, the liquid component of blood, and an enhanced number of platelets. These are activated by Selphyl’s advanced system prior to injection.

When injected into your scalp, healing and growth factors in the PRP activate dormant hair follicles. They also stimulate the growth of new blood vessels, nourishing your follicles for more robust hair growth. 

How Much are Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections?

Platelet-rich plasma treatments usually require a series of injections, and costs will vary depending on your location, your provider, and how many treatments you need. A series of 4 treatments costs $2,400. Maintenance treatments are $600 each.  Since each person’s pattern of hair loss is different, a consultation will help us estimate your expected cost. 

Does PRP Work With Other Hair Restoration Treatments?

Because PRP uses components of your own blood, it will not interfere with other hair restoration treatments. PRP provides a powerful boost to the results of prescription medications, supplements, topical treatments, and other hair growth methods. We will recommend products that work synergistically with PRP to give you even better hair growth. 

Hair Restoration Treatment Consultations Available

How Many PRP Treatments Will I Need?

Most people see significant results with our usual treatment plan, although we will customize the program to meet your needs. We recommend PRP treatments on the following schedule:

  • Three treatments spaced one month apart
  • One treatment after three months
  • Maintenance treatments every six months

Most patients notice new hair growth within a few months of starting their PRP series, though some patients will find their loss discontinues but they do not gain significant hair volume.  Unfortunately approximately 10% of patients will not significantly improve with PRP.

Am I a Good Candidate for PRP Hair Restoration?

Your dermatologist will evaluate your history and examine your scalp to help determine the underlying causes of your hair loss and whether PRP will give you the desired results. Most people with hair loss can benefit from PRP, including those already using other treatments. You may not make a good candidate if you have certain medical conditions or on medications that interfere with platelet function or suppress your immune system. 

I have been seeing Dr.Krauss since she opened her practice amazing Dr and staff!!!

Take the Next Step

If you have further questions about PRP, we encourage you to schedule a consultation at Krauss Dermatology. Call us at (781) 416-3500 or fill out our online contact form. We look forward to taking care of you.