Most people suffer from acne in some form or another; in fact, it’s estimated that up to 50 million of Americans have acne.

But if you have chest acne, knowing you’re not alone isn’t exactly helpful. In fact, chest acne can make you feel self-conscious about your appearance, especially when wearing low-cut tops or rocking your favorite bathing suit.  Also, chest acne can often leave behind discoloration or scars.

That’s why we’re here to help you learn more about how to get rid of chest acne – for good!

Chest Acne Wellesley

*Individual Results May Vary*

4 Ways to Get Rid of Chest Acne

1. Treat it like you would your face.

Our faces tend to get our anti-acne love, but don’t ignore your chest’s needs. Use a cleanser that contains salicylic acid on your chest (use it in the shower). The salicylic acid treats current chest acne breakouts, while also unclogging pores that may eventually lead to acne (like ingrown hairs).

2. Use a topical treatment.

Once you wash your chest, be sure to use a topical treatment designed for acne. You can use benzoyl peroxide or a retinoid to see significant results (you can pick up Differin, which used to be available by prescription only, or a retinol product). 

We recommend putting a topical treatment on your chest before bedtime. Be sure to wear a t-shirt that you don’t mind getting stained, especially if you opt for a benzoyl peroxide solution which will bleach any fabric it touches.

Acne Consultations Available

3. Wear sunscreen!

The above solutions can make your skin more vulnerable to the sun’s UV rays. That’s why you should get into the habit of putting a non-comedogenic (non-clogging) sunscreen on your chest (and everywhere else), especially if your chest skin is going to be exposed to the sun.

4. Make an appointment with a dermatologist.

If your chest acne doesn’t respond to the above steps, it may be time to make an appointment with a board-certified dermatologist. Your dermatologist can examine your acne, identify a cause, and help design a customized prescription treatment that can get rid of your chest acne.

I have been seeing Dr.Krauss since she opened her practice amazing Dr and staff!!!

Take the Next Step – Request a Consultation

Want to learn how we can help you get rid of your unwanted chest acne?

Please fill out the form on this page to request a consultation, or call our Wellesley Hills, MA office directly to schedule – (781) 416-3500.  

Krauss Dermatology serves the greater Boston area.