Whether you shave, wax, or use other methods, hair removal is an annoying fact of life. Fortunately, you can end the constant battle against unwanted hair with laser hair removal. This treatment deactivates hair follicles to limit hair regrowth and give you long-lasting smooth skin. 

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Each hair grows from a structure in the skin called a hair follicle. Laser hair removal targets the pigment in the base of hairs, causing them to heat up and destroy the follicle with each pulse of the laser. Not all of your follicles grow hair at the same time, so you will need several sessions to treat them all. 

Laser Hair Removal

How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal

You can get the best results from each laser hair removal treatment by following a few steps to prepare for them. We recommend that you avoid these:

Sun Exposure

Do not expose the skin in your treatment area to the sun for at least 6 weeks to get great results without risking a burn from laser hair removal.   Artificial tanning is not as harmful but must be stopped at least 1 week prior to your treatment.  You may not be eligible for treatment if you have any tan or color in the treatment area. Use sun protection diligently both before and after your treatment to avoid burns and discoloration.


Waxing, epilating, and tweezing remove the roots of your hair, leaving nothing for the laser to treat. Stop using these methods at least three weeks before treatment. You can still shave, and we recommend doing so 24 hours before your session. 


Bleaching decreases the pigment in your hair. This makes part of the hair invisible to the laser, so the follicles may not be as aggressively heated as possible. Give your hair at least four weeks to grow back after bleaching before each laser hair removal treatment. 

What to Do After Laser Hair Removal

After laser hair removal, you may experience sunburn-like redness and sensitivity that lasts a few hours to a few days. There may be a swelling around each follicle making the area bumpy.  Use a gentle cleanser and avoid irritating or abrasive products for a few days. You can return to your usual activities immediately after treatment. Your skin will be extra sensitive and sun-sensitive, so avoid excessive friction (for example by taking a day off of workouts when treating the bikini). 

Laser Hair Removal Consultations Available

How Long Does Laser Hair Removal Last?

Laser hair removal produces long-lasting results, but some regrowth may occur. Hair that regrows looks finer, softer, and less noticeable. After your initial series of treatments, you can maintain your results with periodic follow-up sessions if necessary. 

Am I a Good Candidate for Laser Hair Removal?

Good candidates for laser hair removal have a strong contrast between skin tone and hair color. Ideal candidates have fair to medium skin (Fitzpatrick Type I-III) and medium to dark hair. You are not a good candidate if you have light blond, red, or gray hair, since these shades do not have enough pigment for the laser to work properly. 

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Take the Next Step 

If you have further questions about laser hair removal, we encourage you to schedule a consultation at Krauss Dermatology. Call us at (781) 416-3500 or fill out our online contact form. We look forward to taking care of you.