If you’re frustrated by the appearance of a double chin, then it’s time to consider Kybella injections for chin fat reduction.

This cosmetic treatment – recently approved by the FDA in 2015 – represents a powerful and results-driven tool in the fight against submental fat tissue. With just a few Kybella treatments, patients can see significant fat reduction along the jawline, leading to a slimmer and more defined profile.

But exactly how many Kybella injections will you need? Will you need more than one Kybella treatment?

Kybella Boston

*Individual Results May Vary*

How Does Kybella Work?

Before we dive into how many Kybella treatments you may need, let’s take a closer look at how it works.

Kybella contains deoxycholic acid, a natural acidic compound that targets and dissolves fat cells clustered within the submental tissue. Essentially, the acid “destroys” the fat cells, leaving behind less fat in the area- not to mention noticeable double chin reduction!

Kybella is a great choice for people who’ve struggled to target fat around their jawline, or jowl, but haven’t been seeing results.

How Many Kybella Treatments Will I Need?

It doesn’t take long for people to see results with Kybella. In fact, it’s estimated that it only takes about two to six Kybella injections to achieve a patient’s ideal results. Each treatment should be spaced about one month apart. 

Kybella Consultations Available

Am I a Good Candidate for Kybella?

You’re a good candidate for Kybella injections if you’re a healthy individual with moderate amounts of submental fat underneath your chin and around the jawline. The best Kybella candidates have good skin texture without too much laxity, as this injection treatment doesn’t tighten skin.  Those who have a lot of fat in the area may be better off having Coolsculpting to the area first, and Kybella to fine tune, in order to get the best results with the least time, effort and cost.

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Take the Next Step – Request a Consultation

Want to see if you’re a good candidate for Kybella treatments?

Please fill out the form on this page to request a consultation, or call our Wellesley Hills, MA office directly to schedule – (781) 416-3500.  

Krauss Dermatology serves the greater Boston area.