If you’re finally past the acne stage in your life, it can be frustrating to be left with the scars your acne left behind. Acne scars leave permanent textural changes and indentations in your skin and can take away from the beauty of your face. If you’re bothered by acne scars, the following treatments can help disguise their appearance and leave you with a clearer, smoother complexion.

Fraxel Dual Laser Boston

*Individual Results May Vary*

Fraxel® Dual Laser

The Fraxel® Dual Laser is a non-ablative laser that fades acne scars with a 1550 wavelength. It works by going deep into your pores and rebuilding the skin’s collagen. Since this treatment only takes about 30 to 45 minutes to complete and comes with virtually no downtime, you can receive it on your lunch break. You’ll likely notice great results 3 to 4 weeks after treatment.

VBeam Vascular Laser

With the VBeam Vascular Laser, you can treat acne scars as well as redness and rosacea. It’s a pulsed dye laser that is ideal if you have lighter skin. This treatment takes about 10 minutes to complete and allows for optimal results in 4 to 8 weeks. The only downtime associated with the VBeam is slight redness and swelling that lasts for a few days.

Dermal Fillers & Fraxel Dual Laser Consultations Available

Dermal Fillers

When most people think of dermal fillers, wrinkles come to mind. While dermal fillers are effective in treating fine lines and wrinkles, they can also assist with acne scars. They are a particularly good option for rolling acne scars that feature sloping edges and give the skin a wavy texture. We have a variety of fillers available here at Krauss Dermatology and would be happy to select the right one for your unique needs.

Acne Scars Can Be Improved, Not Eliminated

It’s important to understand that there is no way to completely eliminate acne scars. However, our treatments can lead to a 50 to 60% improvement in them and leave you with smoother, healthier skin.

Dr. Krauss has been my dermatologist for nearly two decades. Her level of knowledge in the most up to date cosmetic procedures is unsurpassed. I would not trust my skin care in the hands of another professional. My three young adults are patients of Dr. Wise and are just as satisfied.
Highly recommend Krauss Dermatology.

Take the Next Step

If you are interested in learning more about our acne scar treatments, it is in your best interest to schedule a consultation at Krauss Dermatology. We can help you determine the ideal treatment for your particular situation. Call us at 781-416-3500 or fill out our online contact form. We look forward to meeting you!