A double chin is a common cosmetic issue that both men and women may face due to weight gain, genetics, or the natural process of aging. Also known as submental fat, a double chin arises when a layer of fat develops below your chin. If you’re concerned about a double chin, rest assured many individuals do not need surgery to get rid of it. 

Kybella is an FDA-approved, non-invasive injectable that can resolve stubborn fat cells beneath your chin. Best of all, there is no anesthesia or downtime involved and you can resume work and your daily activities right away. Let’s take a closer look at what Kybella is and why you may benefit from it.

Kybella Boston

*Individual Results May Vary*

What is Kybella?

Kybella is formulated with deoxycholic acid,  which is a naturally occurring substance found in your gall bladder. It’s been proven to break down and absorb dietary fat. When one of our board certified dermatologists injects Kybella into your double chin, or jowls, the natural metabolism in your body will process it. A typical Kybella treatment only takes 15 to 20 minutes to complete. 

After about a month, you’ll notice a slimmer, more attractive facial contour. Fortunately, Kybella is a quick treatment that only takes between 15 to 20 completes. Our dermatologists usually recommend 2 to 3 treatments spaced a few weeks apart.

Is Kybella Permanent?

If Kybella has piqued your interest, you may wonder whether it can permanently resolve your double chin or puffy jowls. You’ll be pleased to learn that the answer is “Absolutely!” As soon as Kybella destroys your fat cells, they won’t be able to store or accumulate fat. This means you won’t have to undergo any further treatments once you achieve your desired results. Kybella is the first and only non-invasive, injectable, permanent solution to excess chin fat or a double chin.

Kybella Consultations Available

Good Candidates for Kybella

Kybella may be a great option if you’re struggling with excess fat beneath your chin or have a “double chin.” If you lead a generally healthy lifestyle and still can’t resolve your chin fat, you’ll find it very beneficial. However, if your goal is to lose weight or you aren’t able or willing to commit to healthy lifestyle habits after Kybella treatment, it’s not a good choice.   If you are needle phobic, Coolsculpting can also be an excellent choice for a double chin, though it is not helpful for jowls.

Professional, dedicated staff, wonderful patient care from intake of information to follow-up.

Take the Next Step

If you have further questions about Kybella or are wondering whether you’re a good candidate for this treatment, we encourage you to schedule a consultation at Krauss Dermatology. Call us at 781-416-3500 or fill out our online contact form. We look forward to meeting you!