FAQs Clear & Brilliant

What is the Clear + Brilliant procedure?

The Clear + Brilliant is a non-ablative laser that is able to address issues such as discoloration, melasma, age spots, textural irregularities, enlarged pores and skin tone. Multiple treatments allow the patient to obtain improvement with little to no social downtime. Regular treatments not only give your complexion a glowing appearance, but also improve your skin’s health, keeping the aging process at bay. We recommend 4-6 treatments spaced no less than 3-4 weeks apart.

How is the procedure performed?

Light energy targets water in the skin and is delivered in pinpoint beams. These create controlled injury in the epidermis and superficial dermis. These small areas heal with increased collagen and remodeling with minimal recuperation time. The entire face is treated in one 20-30 minute session. The neck, chest and back of the hands may also be treated very safely and effectively. The Clear + Brilliant laser uses two energy wavelengths, 1927nm and 1440nm. Both of these are safe for all skin types. The 1440nm targets textural skin issues such as pore size and skin tone, and the 1927nm is used to address issues closer to the skin’s surface like pigmentation and dullness.

Is the Clear + Brilliant laser painful?

There is some warmth with each pulse of light. In order to make the procedure as comfortable as possible, we recommend 4% Topicaine numbing cream for Clear + Brilliant Permea. Prescription strength numbing cream is required for Clear + Brilliant Original. Both make the treatment as comfortable as possible.

Are there any risks or side effects of treatment?

Very mild redness and slight swelling after each treatment is expected. This may be followed by slight flaking 3-4 days later. Serious side effects are rare, but most can be avoided by proper sun avoidance before and after the procedure and following the post procedure instructions. Possible adverse effects include discoloration (lightening or darkening), prolonged redness, swelling and extremely rarely infection or pinpoint scarring. During the treatment, shields are worn to protect the eyes. If you are prone to cold sores, you will be given an antiviral medication to take before treatment to prevent the activation of cold sores.

What do I need to do to maintain my results?

The best way to maintain results is to protect the skin from the sun. A few Clear + Brilliant treatments per year are helpful to keep brown spots and fine lines at bay. At home antioxidants, such as Skinceuticals CE Ferulic/ Phloretin and products to minimize pigmentation such as SkinMedica Lytera 2.0 and a retinol may also help maintain the beneficial effects. We will help you choose the right products for your skin at the time of the treatment.

Pre-Clear + Brilliant Instructions:

  1. It is imperative to protect the treated skin from the sun for a full 4 weeks prior to the Clear +Brilliant laser. This is best accomplished by the use of SPF30 sunscreen daily (preferably containing titanium dioxide or zinc oxide) and a hat worn during times of greater exposure to the sun’s rays. Any tan or “color” from the sun can cause side effects.
  2. Avoid sunless tanner 2 weeks prior to treatment
  3. Do not use glycolic acid, retinoids, or lightening creams 2 days prior to treatment.
  4. If you are getting treatment for hyper-pigmentation we highly recommend an over the counter numbing cream called Topicaine which may be purchased in our office to minimize discomfort during the procedure. 30-40 minutes before your appointment, apply the cream generously to your face and rub in. You may repeat the application again 10 minutes before your treatment. This medication is extremely safe and effective when used as directed. If you are getting the treatment for texture/pores, you will arrive to your scheduled appointment time and our office staff will apply prescription strength numbing that will remain on for 45 minutes prior totreatment.
  5. Your physician may also give you a prescription for Valtrex which you should take prior to and after your treatment if you have a history of cold sores.+ Brilliant.
  6. To minimize potential bruising, discontinue aspirin for 1 week prior and ibuprofen(advil/motrin), Vit E capsules for 5 days prior to a Clear + Brilliant treatment. You should wait 2 weeks after any other cosmetic procedure (ie. Botox or fillers) or waxing to be treated with

Post-Clear + Brilliant Instructions:

  1. The treated area may turn pink and slightly swollen. After a couple days, depending on the condition treated, you may experience many small black specks on the treated area which will peel away. Some tenderness and itching may also develop. A sandpaper-like texture may also be appreciated.
  2. You may use Tylenol for discomfort after the procedure. Cool tap water compresses may be used for discomfort.
  3. After a gentle treatment, redness may be seen for 3-5 days. With more aggressive treatments, dark brown scale and/or a “sand paper” like feel may be present. Mild swelling may last up to 5 days. Make-up may be worn but we recommend you wait 24 hours before applying. Particular care must be taken to avoid irritation of the skin while removing your make-up. Avoid abrasive or irritating make up removers. We recommend using a gentle cleanser, moisturizer, and physical sunscreen. Glycolic acid and retinols may be resumed after 7 days or when peeling and dryness have resolved.
  4. Sun protection including SPF 30 sunscreen, and a hat when in direct sun are mandatory for at least 4 weeks after each treatment. To maintain your results, these sun protective measures should continue indefinitely as well as appropriate skincare.

Take the First Step – Request A Consultation

Please fill out the form on this page to request a consultation and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Krauss Dermatology will reach out to you promptly. You can also call our Wellesley, MA office directly to schedule – (781) 416-3500.

Krauss Dermatology serves the greater Boston area.

*Individual Results May Vary*