FAQs CoolSculpting™

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive, FDA approved, fat reduction procedure that requires no anesthesia and has little to no recovery time. In fact, most patients resume their normal activities, including work and exercise, the same day as their procedure. CoolSculpting is the gold standard in non-surgical fat reduction.

How does CoolSculpting work?

The controlled cooling of the CoolSculpting targets, freezes, and eliminates only fat cells (other procedures such as lasers and radiofrequency affect fat cells, but may also affect other adjacent tissue). Once the treated fat cells are crystallized (frozen), they will die slowly and are naturally processed and eliminated from the body over time. On average, patients experience a reduction of 20-25% of the fat treated.

In the months following your procedure, there is a general reduction in the thickness of the fat layer in the treated area. You should begin to observe a noticeable, measurable fat reduction in 2-4 months after a single procedure. Weight loss is typically not appreciated, but flattening of the treated bulge and improved contour is seen.

4 months after your procedure, you may consider an additional CoolSculpting treatment to achieve greater fat reduction and body sculpting.
The elimination of fat cells as a result of CoolSculpting is expected to last just as long as fat cells removed by more invasive procedures such as liposuction. Unfortunately a small percentage of patients (<10%) will not achieve visually appreciable results.

Am I a good candidate for CoolSculpting?

The procedure is ideal for those who have stubborn or resistant pockets of fat or bulges including pinchable abdominal fat, love handles, back (bra) fat, saddlebags (outer thighs), inner thighs, and submental area (under the chin). Patients who are generally fit, but have small areas that are resistant to diet and exercise are optimal candidates.

Why have CoolSculpting at Krauss Dermatology?

At Krauss Dermatology, our Board Certified Dermatologists perform your procedure in order to ensure appropriate placement of the cooling applicator. This will maximize efficacy of your treatment. Krauss Derm was one of the first practices in New England to perform the CoolSculpting procedure, and we have had tremendous success with over 5,000 areas treated!


Take the First Step – Request A Consultation

Please fill out the form on this page to request a consultation and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Krauss Dermatology will reach out to you promptly. You can also call our Wellesley, MA office directly to schedule – (781) 416-3500.

Krauss Dermatology serves the greater Boston area.

*Individual Results May Vary*