If you’ve spent a great deal of time taking in the UV rays and are left with sun-damaged skin, you may be looking for a solution. Fortunately, there are a number of treatments that can improve uneven skin tone, broken capillaries, sun spots, melasma, and other common skin concerns that occur due to excessive sun exposure. Below, we’ll discuss some of the most effective treatments for sun-damaged skin.

Ipl Photorejuvenation Boston

*Individual Results May Vary*

Intense Pulsed Light Photorejuvenation

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a great option if you’d like a more even skin texture and are looking to treat broken capillaries, sun spots, and other imperfections. It uses multiple wavelengths of light and can work on your face, neck, chest, and even the back of your hands. For optimal results, you’ll likely need 3 to 4 treatments spaced about 4 weeks apart.

Clear and Brilliant Laser

The Clear and Brilliant Laser uses fractional laser energy to effectively and gently remodel the surface of the skin. This laser focuses on brightening dull and lifeless skin, which can occur as a result of sun exposure. A typical treatment only takes about 20 to 30 minutes and requires no downtime! The laser will improve hyperpigmentation, large pores, and uneven skin tone. Afterward, you are left with a clear and brilliant complexion you will notice right away! A series of treatments is recommended for best results.

Fraxel® Dual Laser

The Fraxel® Dual Laser can leave you with the clear, fresh skin you desire. It involves two lasers: the 1927nm wavelength to target pigmentation issues and the 1550nm wavelength to improve acne scars and wrinkles. Depending on your unique needs, we may use both lasers or just one of them. A few days of downtime is the norm, but this laser delivers powerful improvement to even the most sun-damaged skin.

IPL Photorejuvenation & Fraxel® Dual Consultations Available

Glycolic Acid Peels

Glycolic acid peels can normalize the color of your skin by effectively exfoliating it. It can do wonders for melasma and discoloration and give you a beautiful, healthy glow. After your skin is cleansed, one of our board-certified dermatologists will apply a mild glycolic solution and provide you with a neutralizing spray at the end. To meet your long-term aesthetic goals, we’ll recommend 5 to 6 peels.

Skin Care Products

At-home care is one of the keys to improving sun-damaged skin. Antioxidant products such as those that contain vitamin C can reverse sun damage and prevent further injury. Glycolic or retinol products may also be effective in treating discoloration and improving overall skin tone and texture. Specific pigment fading products such as Lytera 2.0 are also an important part of a regimen aimed at sun damage.

I have been seeing Dr. Krauss for probably eight years and my boys all see other doctors in the practice. They are thorough, nice, timely, have a great staff, and really keep our skin looking great. If you are curious about cosmetic procedures they offer everything under the sun and never push you to do things. Highly recommended.

Take the Next Step

If you’re tired of waking up to sun-damaged skin, it is in your best interest to schedule a consultation at Krauss Dermatology. We can help you determine the ideal treatment for your particular situation. Call us at 781-416-3500 or fill out our online contact form. We look forward to meeting you!