EMSCULPT is a non-invasive, FDA approved treatment to build and strengthen muscle and improve tone in the abdomen, buttocks, thighs and arms by using revolutionary HIFEM (High Frequency Electromagnetic technology). A 30-minute treatment is equivalent to 20,000 sit ups or squats. It is the first procedure to help both women and men build muscle to sculpt their bodies. Emsculpt can improve muscle strength, definition and contour of the abdomen, buttocks, thighs and arms.


EMSCULPT NEO  combines the incredible benefits of HIFEM with Radiofrequency Energy that heats and removes localized fat and allows even more efficient muscle stimulation.  Traditional EMSCULPT achieves a 16% increase in muscle thickness and 19% decrease in fat thickness on average in 4 treatments delivered over 2 weeks.  EMSCULPT NEO transforms with 25% increased muscle thickness and 30% decrease in fat thickness delivered in 4 treatments approximately 1 weeks apart.  Both treatments take a quick 30 minutes to perform.

Are there other benefits to EMSCULPT and EMSCULPT NEO? 

Many studies have been published proving not only fat loss and muscle gain, but also over 10% reduction in the diastasis recti- the separation between the left and right abdomen muscles that is stretched by pregnancy.  In addition, the treatments lead to a measurable increase in strength and performance.

Am I a good candidate for EMSCULPT and EMSCULPT NEO?  

Most patients who want to strengthen their abdominal, buttock or thigh muscles can benefit from the EMSCULPT and EMSCULPT NEO procedure.  The best candidates, who are most likely to achieve visible, satisfying results, are of normal weight (BMI 30 and under), exercise regularly, and eat a healthy diet.  Patients with a higher BMI of 30-35 will benefit more from EMSCULPT NEO.   Patients with scar tissue or tattoos directly in the treatment area may have EMSCULPT, but not EMSCULPT NEO.

What does it feel like?  

The EMSCULPT procedure feels like an intensive workout, as your muscles are undergoing a vigorous series of contractions every few minutes for a total of 30 mins. There is also a prickling sensation during the treatment.  EMSCULPT NEO also adds a warm sensation which helps with comfort and allows even more intense muscle contractions to be delivered.

Is there any downtime? 

EMSCULPT is non-invasive and requires no recovery time or any pre/post treatment preparation or downtime.

How soon will I see results and how long does it last?

The muscles treated will feel stronger with each treatment, with increased muscle mass resulting about 2-6 weeks after the 4 treatment series.  Improvement of the overlying fat is appreciable by about 3 months after the series is completed.  Improved muscle tone lasts at least 6 months EMSCULPT and 12 months with EMSCULPT NEO and longer if you exercise regularly.  The fat reduction is thought to be long term due to fat cell destruction.

You cannot have EMSCULPT if the following conditions are present:

  • Pregnancy or breast feeding
  • Cardiac pacemaker, defibrillator, implanted neurostimulator, drug pump or electronic implanted device
  • Metal rods, pins, plates, metal IUD or orthopedic implants/joints
  • Pulmonary insufficiency, cardiac disorders, epilepsy or active malignancy
  • Bleeding disorders, or taking blood thinners
  • History of hernia repair with mesh, or any recent surgical procedure in the area
  • Any injury, damage or tear to muscle or soft tissue in the area to be treated including active hernia
  • You may not use the device near your chest, head or neck
  • You are under 18 years old
  • You may not have EMSCULPT NEO over scar tissue or tattoos, however EMSCULPT is safe in these areas
  • You may not have EMSCULPT NEO if you have impaired sensation/numbness in the treatment area, or Graves Disease (due to temperature insensitivity

Before your procedure:

  1. Hydrate well for at least 2 days prior to your procedure.
  2. It is recommended that abdominal treatments not be performed during female menstruation as they can increase cramping and bleeding.
  3. Remove metal jewelry, particularly electronic watches, and ring monitors (Oura) and put away cell phones and computers as they can be damaged while the device is operating.
  4. Make sure you visit the restroom prior to the procedure.
  5. Bring a book, read a magazine or just listen to music during the 30 minute procedure.
  6. We will be taking photos and your weight before your series of procedures begins to help track your progress.
  7. We will also be asking you to sign a consent form frequently to make sure the procedure is still safe for you.
  8. Shower before your procedure and avoid applying any oils or lotions in the area.
  9. You must inform us if you experience any excessive heat or pain during the procedure.

After your procedure:

Generally, there is no recovery time after your You may resume normal activities as tolerated.

  1. Generally, there is no recovery time after your You may resume normal activities as tolerated.
  2. The treated area may feel slightly sore and occasionally crampy after the procedure, as if you just had an intense workout. This is normal and will subside. Inform us if you have any persistent redness, any blisters or crusts in the area.

Take the First Step – Request A Consultation

Please fill out the form on this page to request a consultation and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Krauss Dermatology will reach out to you promptly. You can also call our Wellesley, MA office directly to schedule – (781) 416-3500.

Krauss Dermatology serves the greater Boston area.

*Individual Results May Vary*