Pre-EMSCULPT Information

Before Your EMSCULPT Procedure

  1. Please notify our staff if you are allergic to latex, as we will need to use a different strap to attach the EMSCULPT to the treatment area.
  2. It is recommended that abdominal treatments not be performed during female menstruation as they can increase cramping and bleeding.
  3. Remove metal jewelry, particularly electronic watches, and put away cell phones and computers as they cannot be used while the device is operating.
  4. Make sure you visit the restroom prior to the procedure.
  5. As you may not use electronics during the procedure, you may want to bring a book or read an office magazine.
  6. We will be taking photos and your weight before your series of procedures begins to help track your progress.
  7. We will also be asking you to sign a consent form frequently to make sure the procedure is still safe for you.
  8. If you have EMSCULPT while menstruating you may experience increased period cramping and discomfort.

Take the First Step – Request A Consultation

Please fill out the form on this page to request a consultation and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Krauss Dermatology will reach out to you promptly. You can also call our Wellesley, MA office directly to schedule – (781) 416-3500.

Krauss Dermatology serves the greater Boston area.

*Individual Results May Vary*