Thinning hair can affect men and women of any age. One of the most common causes of hair loss is androgenic alopecia, but there are many others. PRP addresses thinning hair by restoring a healthy scalp and active hair follicles. PRP injections can be used alone or to boost the effects of other hair loss treatments. 

What is PRP Hair Restoration?

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) forms when a sample of your blood spins in a centrifuge and is then processed with the Selphyl system. Your phlebotomist extracts the plasma layer containing your platelets as the blood separates, concentrates it, activates and then your physician injects it in the area of hair loss. PRP triggers healing and growth,  promotes scalp health, and awakens dormant hair follicles.

Hair Loss Wellesley and Boston, Ma

Am I a Candidate for Hair Restoration?

Most people with thinning hair make good candidates for PRP hair restoration. How well you respond to PRP injections depends on many factors.  Good candidates are generally healthy, not on blood thinner or immunosuppressive medications, and have reasonable expectations. People using other hair loss treatments topically or orally are still good candidates for PRP hair restoration. 

You may not be a good candidate for hair restoration if you have certain health problems, including blood clotting or bleeding problems. You should not have PRP injections if you have a skin infection or active skin condition on your scalp at treatment time. Your dermatologist will help you discuss any medical conditions or concerns before proceeding with treatment

How Does PRP Hair Restoration Work?

PRP hair restoration uses platelets, a powerful component of your immune system. Platelets respond to injuries with a flood of healing and growth factors. Some of these trigger blood vessel formation, bringing more oxygen and nutrients to your hair follicles. Others stimulate hair follicles that have fallen into a resting state, signaling them to start growing hair again. Your healthier, more active follicles grow more hair. The hair they grow looks thicker, breaks less often, and gives you the appearance of full, healthy hair.

PRP Hair Restoration Consultations Available

Is There Any Downtime After PRP Hair Restoration?

You will receive multiple injections into your scalp during treatment. The area may feel mildly sore and swollen for a few days afterward. While there is no downtime, you should take a few precautions with your scalp. Avoid scrubbing or applying irritating products to the area for at least a day after your injections. You can return to work and other activities immediately, reserving intensive exercise for a few days after your procedure. 

What Results Will I See After PRP Hair Restoration?

Most people see their best results after a series of treatments. We usually recommend three monthly treatments, followed by additional treatment three and six months later. Most people benefit from yearly maintenance treatments. You will start to notice thicker, fuller hair within about three months. Hair growth will continue to improve during and after your treatment.

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Take the Next Step

If you have further questions about PRP hair restoration, we encourage you to schedule a consultation at Krauss Dermatology. Call us at (781) 416-3500 or fill out our online contact form. We look forward to taking care of you.