Many factors can cause your skin to look dull and uneven. The problem is wider than aging skin, as evidenced by an abundance of products purported to correct the problem. At Krauss Dermatology, we offer a range of solutions for skin brightening. 

Why Does My Skin Look Dull?

Numerous factors can contribute to skin dullness. Your skin may lack brightness because of aging and environmental factors like sun damage. You may also have naturally dry or sensitive skin needing extra care. We offer several ways to improve your skin’s texture and glow, depending on your needs. These options range from professional-grade skincare products to rejuvenating laser treatments. 

What Can I Do to Brighten My Skin?

Bringing vibrant, healthy skin cells to the surface is the best way to brighten your skin. Less significant issues often respond well to highly effective skincare, while deeper pigmentation and texture issues may benefit from laser treatments. 

Skincare Products

These much-loved skincare products use medical-grade ingredients and scientifically tested formulas for optimal results. A solid SkinMedica® brightening routine can make a dramatic difference in your skin. Their Even & Correct line of products targets skin brightening. Other options include Glycolic Acid lotions and cleansers, and Retinol products (we love Sente Biocomplete) amongst others.

Clear + Brilliant

This gentle, no-downtime form of laser skin resurfacing brightens your skin. Clear + Brilliant encourages turnover of the dull outer layers of skin, so you see the healthy, undamaged cells beneath. Collagen is also stimulated and irregular pigmentation is improved.  Most people need a series of treatments for optimal results, but your vibrant glow can last for months or longer. 

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) 

Individuals bothered by dullness and pigmentation issues may benefit from a series of these gentle treatment. IPL rejuvenates the skin’s surface while targeting redness, age spots, and other pigmented concerns. You may also hear people refer to IPL as a photo facial. 


This skin-resurfacing fractional laser provides intensive skin brightening. Along with brightening your skin, Fraxel® improves texture and firmness. It can treat deeper skin issues than other options, providing powerful brightening for those with signs of aging, textural issues, or pigmentation problems. 

UltraClear® Laser

UltraClear® is an “ablative” laser that removes tiny columns of the skin, creating a healing response that is customized to your concerns, skin type, and downtime allowed.  Superficial treatments create glow and luminosity and help pigmentation issues.  Deeper treatments improve texture, tone, tightness and fine lines.

Skin Brightening Consultations Available

Is There Any Downtime From Skin Brightening?

Downtime for skin brightening varies depending on the method used. You will use SkinMedica® products as a consistent part of your skincare routine. IPL has no downtime, although the skin may look flushed for a few hours. Clear + Brilliant may cause minor redness and sensitivity for a few days. If you have Fraxel®, you can expect a few days of redness and peeling. UltraClear can have 2 days to 5 days of downtime depending on the settings used and goals of treatment.

Am I a Good Candidate to Brighten My Skin?

Our range of skin brightening treatments offers something suitable for anyone. We will recommend treatments based on factors like your skin concerns, how much downtime you can tolerate, and how quickly you want to see results. Ideal candidates for in-office treatments should not have a skin infection at treatment time. Some lasers are not recommended for some darker skin tones or patients with scarring disorders such as keloid formation.

I have been seeing Dr.Krauss since she opened her practice amazing Dr and staff!!!

Take the Next Step

If you have further questions about skin brightening treatments, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with one of the board-certified dermatologists at Krauss Dermatology. Call us at (781) 416-3500 or fill out our online contact form. We look forward to taking care of you.