Do you avoid raising your arms because your underarms are always soaked with sweat? Hyperhidrosis can make you self-conscious and hold you back from activities you enjoy. With miraDry®, you can see relief, usually within one treatment. You can start getting control of your hyperhidrosis today. 

What is Hyperhidrosis?

Hyperhidrosis means excessive sweating. While people can have excess sweating on areas like the scalp and palms of the hands, the underarm area is the most common location. Hyperhidrosis affects 2-3% of Americans. If you are one of them, you may have tried prescription antiperspirants or even Botox to manage it. Now you have miraDry®, a treatment option with long-lasting, effective results for underarm sweating. 

Boston Miradry

What is miraDry®?

The FDA has cleared miraDry® to treat underarm hyperhidrosis. This treatment stops sweat glands in the treated area from making sweat. Most of the sweat glands on your body are not in your underarm area, so stopping sweat in this area will leave you able to cool yourself normally. Unlike other treatments, miraDry® results can last a lifetime and does not involve surgery. 

How Does miraDry® Treat Hyperhidrosis?

To control excess sweating, miraDry® treats the sweat glands that create the problem. It uses targeted microwave energy that damages the sweat glands. During treatment, the area is numbed with local anesthesia without any sedation or pain medication necessary.  The miraDry® machine cools your skin to keep you comfortable while delivering the energy necessary to permanently inactivate the underarm glands. After treatment, the glands no longer produce sweat or odor. 

What Results Will I See After miraDry®?

You will see an immediate reduction in sweating and underarm odor. On average, people see 82% less sweat, even after a year. An impressive 88% no longer have concerns about underarm odor. Most people only need one treatment to achieve these results, although approximately one third of individuals desire a second session for complete resolution of their sweating. 

miraDry® Consultations Available

How Much Does miraDry® Cost?

The cost of miraDry® depends on several factors. At Krauss Dermatology, your miraDry® procedure is supervised by board-certified dermatologists to ensure you achieve the best results. You can expect miraDry® in our office to cost approximately $2000. We do offer occasional specials on miraDry®. 

Is There Downtime With miraDry®?

You can return to your regular activities immediately after having miraDry®. Some people choose to take a day or two off. You may notice some bruising and sensitivity that last several days. We may recommend ice packs post treatment to minimize swelling. Most side effects of tenderness, bruising and bumpiness resolve within a few weeks, and most people will not need another session. 

Am I a Good Candidate for miraDry®?

If you have hyperhidrosis affecting your underarms, you may be a good candidate for miraDry®. Ideal candidates want a permanent solution to their sweating problem. Almost anyone with underarm hyperhidrosis can be a good candidate for miraDry®, though patients who form keloid scars and those who have electrical implants such as pacemakers should not have the procedure. 

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Take the Next Step

If you have further questions about miraDry®, we encourage you to schedule a consultation at Krauss Dermatology. Call us at (781) 416-3500 or fill out our online contact form. We look forward to taking care of you.