If you find yourself bothered by accumulated jowl fat along your jawline, you are not alone. Jowls and excess submental (under the chin) fat make many of us self-conscious. Now that jowl fat can disappear without scars or surgical techniques with Kybella®

Kybella Boston

*Individual Results May Vary*

What is Kybella®?

At Krauss Dermatology, we most often use Kybella® to treat excess jowl fat. We may also use it to treat submental fat if we consider it the best method. We also use the Coolsculpting Cool Elite system for the submental area. Kybella® works uniquely well on jowl fat to give you a more youthful, sculpted jawline. As the only injectable treatment to reduce fat in this area, Kybella® is non-invasive and FDA-approved. 

How Does Kybella® Work?

Kybella® uses deoxycholic acid, which our body produces in the gall bladder to help break down the fat that we eat. When injected into the jowl area, Kybella® begins to break apart the fat cells. The body will permanently remove these over the course of several weeks, leaving the jawline looking slimmer and more contoured. The procedure normally takes about 15 to 20 minutes, making it a fast and effective way to improve the appearance of your jawline. For the submental/double chin area, we often recommend removing fat with CoolSculpting® prior to fine tuning with Kybella® for best results. 

How Much is Kybella®?

At Krauss Dermatology, we charge $850 for one vial of Kybella® and $250 per additional vial in one session. Most people only need one vial per treatment session for the jowl area. Only your dermatologist can determine how much Kybella® you will need to achieve your desired results. 

Kybella Consultations Available

What Results Will I See With Kybella®?

We recommend at least two treatment sessions with Kybella® spaced at least two months apart. Most people will achieve the best results with two to three sessions. Fat removal will begin gradually after your first treatment and continues for about two months between treatments, so you will see consistent improvement over time. If you also have CoolSculpting® treatments, your dermatologist will determine how many sessions you need before starting Kybella®. 

Fat that has been broken down and removed will not come back. However, the fat cells that remain in the area, as with other areas of the body, can still change in size if you have a significant weight change. Results from Kybella® are long-lasting and provide a significant improvement in the appearance of jowls. 

Is There Any Downtime With Kybella®?

After Kybella®, you may experience soreness, swelling, and numbness. All will resolve over a few weeks. Swelling becomes less noticeable after the first few days, and you can return to your normal activities after treatment. 

Am I a Good Candidate for Kybella®?

If you have unwanted jowl fat and want to see a more sculpted jawline, you may be a good candidate for Kybella®. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a history of abnormal scarring, you may not make a good candidate. Our board certified dermatologists can discuss the benefits and risks in detail with you.

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Take the Next Step

If you have further questions about Kybella®, we encourage you to schedule a consultation at Krauss Dermatology. Call us at (781) 416-3500 or fill out our online contact form. We look forward to taking care of you.