Men and women can experience hair loss, and losing your hair can make you feel embarrassed or self-conscious. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) restores thick, healthy hair growth. PRP works alone or as part of a comprehensive hair loss plan. 

What is PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma)?

To obtain PRP, your provider draws a blood sample and spins it in a centrifuge. This separates the red blood cells, which sink to the bottom, and a layer of fluid called plasma. This plasma contains the platelets that circulate in your blood and help heal injuries. It also includes the healing and growth factors that help your body repair itself

Prp for Hair Loss Boston

How Does PRP Help With Hair Loss?

PRP contains growth factors that increase cell division and stimulate the growth of new blood vessels. The signals trigger dormant hair follicles to awaken and start regrowing hair. At the same time, increased blood flow brings more nourishment and oxygen to the cells that support the follicles, leading to thicker, fuller hair. 

How Many PRP Treatments Will I Need?

We most often use the following schedule for PRP hair loss treatment:

  • One treatment monthly for three months
  • One treatment after three months
  • One maintenance treatment every six months

Your dermatologist will tailor this treatment plan depending on your response to PRP and your individual needs. The maintenance treatments will keep your scalp and hair follicles in good health and keep your hair looking thick and full. 

PRP Treatment Consultations Available

What Results Will I See With PRP for Hair Loss?

You may start to notice results within two to three months. You will begin to see:

  • Thicker, healthier hair
  • Less hair breakage 
  • Less shedding
  • More growth in thinning areas

Your healthier hair follicles shed hair less quickly, and the stronger hairs can grow longer without breaking. 

Is There Any Downtime With PRP?

Your scalp will feel sensitive for a day or two after your injections. You can go back to your daily routine after treatment. You should avoid harsh products on your scalp for several days to prevent irritation.

Am I a Good Candidate for PRP?

PRP is safe for almost everyone. You may be a good candidate if you have thinning hair or a receding hairline. PRP is not recommended if you take blood thinners or immunosuppressants. People with severe long-term hair loss may not make good candidates. 

PRP works well for the most common type of hair loss, androgenic alopecia. This genetic form of hair loss usually starts at the top of the head and is affected by hormones. People with some other types of hair loss may not see the same results. 

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Take the Next Step

If you have further questions about PRP, we encourage you to schedule a consultation at Krauss Dermatology. Call us at (781) 416-3500 or fill out our online contact form. We look forward to taking care of you