Do you have underarm sweating and odor that you cannot control with antiperspirants? It may be time to try miraDry®, a long-lasting treatment that minimizes excessive sweating. Unlike other methods for managing underarm sweat, miraDry® uses no chemicals and will not require repeat treatment, making it the most convenient and effective way to put an end to this frustrating problem. 

What is miraDry®?

FDA-cleared miraDry® uses electromagnetic energy to reduce the number of active sweat glands in your underarms. It has revolutionized hyperhidrosis treatment (excessive sweating) by providing long-lasting results with as little as one treatment. 

With a reduction in sweat, you will also enjoy a decrease in underarm odor and skin irritation. You will even see a reduction in underarm hair. 

Miradry Treatment

How Does miraDry® Work?

The electromagnetic energy used by miraDry® targets the sweat glands without harming your skin. Sweat glands absorb the energy, heating them to the point where they stop producing sweat. Eliminating sweat production also stops underarm bacteria from producing unpleasant odors. Non-invasive miraDry® requires no incisions, leaves no scars, and will not affect your body’s ability to sweat normally anywhere except your underarms.

How to Prepare for miraDry®

You can take a few simple steps before your miraDry® appointment to ensure you enjoy the best results. Follow any instructions your provider gives you. 

1.Shave Your Underarms

You should shave four to six days before your treatment. The hair will be visible enough to help your Krauss Dermatology provider map the treatment area but short enough to avoid overheating. 

2.Stop Using Antiperspirant

Antiperspirants can cling to your underarms, so we recommend not using any the day before or the day of treatment. Avoid any other products on the day of your appointment. 

3.Wear Comfortable Clothes

Your provider will need to access your underarm area on the day of treatment. If possible, wear a top that allows easy access to that area so you can relax during your session. 

miraDry® Consultations Available

What is miraDry® Treatment Like?

Your miraDry® treatment begins with numbing injections administered by one of our licensed dermatologists. Our highly trained aestheticians will then move the miraDry® handpiece over the treatment area. It uses cooling technology to keep your skin at a safe, comfortable temperature throughout your session. 

Is There Any Downtime With miraDry®?

You can return to your usual activities after your miraDry® appointment. Some people may prefer to go home and relax for the remainder of the day. You may have some bruising, swelling, and soreness lasting a few days. Most people only need one treatment to see their desired results, but you may be recommended to have a second one several weeks later.

I have been seeing Dr.Krauss since she opened her practice amazing Dr and staff!!!

Take the Next Step

If you have further questions about miraDry®, we encourage you to schedule a consultation at Krauss Dermatology. Call us at (781) 416-3500 or fill out our online contact form. We look forward to taking care of you.