

How Much is Dysport®?

Creases between the brows, sometimes called frown lines or the 11s, form when facial muscles pull the skin into creases. These creases can become deeper and more noticeable over time, even when your face is resting. Dysport® is a wrinkle-smoothing injectable treatment for frown lines, crow’s feet, and more. It has several advantages over Botox® you can discuss with your board-certified dermatologist.  What is Dysport®?  Dysport® is a muscle-relaxing treatment delivered by injections into the targeted area. It causes the facial muscles [...]

By |June 20th, 2023|Dysport|

Top 5 Dermatology Treatments That Anyone Can Benefit From

Aesthetic enhancements are nothing new, but today’s cosmetic dermatologists offer more options for more people than ever before. Krauss Dermatology offers a range of treatments to meet your needs. These non-surgical treatments let you rejuvenate your face or body without impacting your busy schedule.  What are Cosmetic Dermatology Treatments?  These treatments fall under many categories, such as injectables like dermal fillers and Botox®, facials like laser treatments and chemical peels, and body treatments to shape and sculpt. Cosmetic dermatology options are generally [...]

By |June 10th, 2023|Cosmetic Treatment|

How Effective is CoolSculpting®?

Does an accumulation of hard-to-remove fat keep you from achieving the sculpted figure you have worked for? CoolSculpting® treats areas from the abdomen to under the chin to remove unwanted fat. It removes unwanted fat to target your problem areas and help you address those, especially challenging areas. What is CoolSculpting® for Body Contouring?  Non-invasive body contouring has grown in popularity as people have realized they can achieve sculpting and fat removal without surgery. CoolSculpting® can help you achieve your desired shape [...]

By |May 20th, 2023|CoolSculpting|

How Long Do Dermal Fillers Last?

Facial volume can have the effect of making us look younger and more attractive. Full, defined cheeks and soft, plump lips look healthy and vibrant. If you want to restore or enhance your facial features, dermal fillers can help. These injectable treatments address everything from deep creases to thin lips. What are Dermal Fillers? People have many reasons for adding volume to their facial features. Dermal fillers can address fine lines, deep creases, and even extremely fine lines around the mouth. They can also add [...]

By |May 10th, 2023|Dermal Fillers|

How Can I Treat Facial Volume Loss?

When you think of signs of aging, you might think of lines and wrinkles. However, volume loss also occurs, making your features look hollow or sagging. Dermal fillers offer an effective way to address facial volume loss without surgery. These injectable treatments are a low-risk way to achieve youthful volume and definition.  What Causes Facial Volume Loss? Facial volume loss affects almost everyone as they age. Your fat distribution changes as part of aging, leading to volume loss. At the same time, [...]

By |May 1st, 2023|Dermal Fillers|

Will I Need More Than One Ultherapy® Treatment?

Have you spent enough time looking at yourself in video calls to notice drooping skin around your neck and jaw? You may not need surgery or invasive procedures to fix this problem. Ultherapy® tightens loose neck and jaw skin to provide a tighter, more contoured profile. What is Ultherapy® for Skin Tightening? Loose skin around the neck and jaw often develops due to collagen loss from aging and sun damage. Your skin makes less of this structural protein over time, causing it to lose volume [...]

By |April 30th, 2023|Ultherapy|

What is Botox® Made Of?

Youthful skin looks smooth and even. Over time, however, your facial expressions cause creases, lines, and wrinkles to develop. You can smooth these wrinkles with Botox®, an injectable neurotoxin that relaxes muscles. Botox® is one of the most familiar and widely used aesthetic treatments worldwide.  What is Botox®?  Botox® is often referred to as a neurotoxin. It targets lines and wrinkles by interrupting communication between the muscles, which cause wrinkles, and the nerves that tell them what to do. Without muscle signals, [...]

By |April 20th, 2023|Botox|

How Much Does Mohs Surgery Cost?

Up to one in five people will develop skin cancer, making skin cancer screening a vital part of maintaining your health. If screening does reveal skin cancer, your dermatologist may use Mohs surgery to remove it. This procedure disrupts less healthy tissue while effectively removing cancer cells.  What is Mohs Micrographic Surgery?  Mohs micrographic surgery is a technique for removing skin cancer. Mohs surgery can treat basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas and some melanomas. This treatment can provide complete removal of [...]

By |April 10th, 2023|Mohs Surgery|

What Can I Do To Brighten My Skin?

Many factors can cause your skin to look dull and uneven. The problem is wider than aging skin, as evidenced by an abundance of products purported to correct the problem. At Krauss Dermatology, we offer a range of solutions for skin brightening.  Why Does My Skin Look Dull? Numerous factors can contribute to skin dullness. Your skin may lack brightness because of aging and environmental factors like sun damage. You may also have naturally dry or sensitive skin needing extra care. We [...]

By |March 30th, 2023|Skin Care|
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